SAP Infotek introduce a common app for multiple platform, with the help of this app Parents, Employees can login and do their respective work respectively. This is the best option to handle students and monitor their academic activities.This app is integrated with the Flexi School ERP Software provided by the Company.Parents can view daily homework to their students and any updates via circular sent from school. Parents and view the details of the fees and can do payment online from this app, SAP Infotek did the integration with payment gateway to provide facility to parents. SAP Infotek is working to provide more functionality to the parentsIn other way, teacher can also login with the same app and can see their daily time table, teacher can preschedule the online meeting and can send the link through this app. It is a common plat form to join student and parents for online classes.SAP Infotek will introduce online communication between parents and teacher very soon